

影了很多相,構圖較為好的要修飾一番再拿出去哂,所以想學用PHOTOSHOP,但PHOTOSHOP CS係一件「搵食工具」,所以好貴,盛惠三千多元,所以選擇「家用版」 - PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS。







4 則留言:

Ebenezer 說...


Wheel 說...


ellen 說...

Have to say Adobe makes decent software. Especially on usability, Adobe's creative suits appear better than the comparable open source ones. But I spent too much money on hardware gadgets and books, there's no budget left for software, so that I use GIMP for all my photo projects. Basically there's nothing Photoshop can do but GIMP cannot. Photoshop's UI is sleeker than GIMP's, and some workflows on photoshop require less labor from the user. I've collected a lot of books on digital post processing, most of them are based on Photoshop and some of them are based on GIMP. It doesn't really matter. The principles are all the same. For beginners, I find this book really good: Photoshop CS3 Restoration and Retouching Bible. GIMP has excellent free online tutorial that addresses almost all basic photo retouching problems with easy-to-follow example. You can find it here: http://docs.gimp.org/2.6/en/

But, any program or book doesn't help much if the photo isn't well composed and well exposed at the first place. To improve one's photographing skill, I have two books to recommend: 1. Michael Freeman's "The Photographer's Eye"; 2. Bryan Peterson's "Understanding Exposure".

Wheel 說...

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