

為什麼最近沒有寫盈盈? 因為「發展緩慢」…


有時就「呢呢lur lur」講一堆唔知什麼的說話。






19 則留言:

匿名 說...

Thanks for your summary of Mr Lam's interview in the RTHK so far.

My son is 23 months old and not much better than your daughter. Don't worry, it is OK provided that they understand your instructions. Remember don't compare. Every child is unique.

變幻原是永恒 說...

^_^ 多的用引導, 小孩子是很好奇的.

匿名 說...

Some kids develope speech earlier than movement and some the opposite. Patience.

匿名 說...

你應多點放兒童歌曲比她聽,不是那些古典音樂,而是好簡單得幾句歌詞,聽得一排便會上口,我由個仔半歲開始比佢聽,現在兩歲半已好鍾意跟住唱,就連Thomas&Friends, Noddy,都想學唱....

匿名 說...


匿名 說...

Don't worry too much. The little kid would save all the words in her brain and later she would speak better. Sometimes little kids would speak better when they play or study in a group. Should be fine. Also, many thanks for your great help to make notes of Lam Sir's talk. Take care, best wishes.

無名 說...

Hi Mr Wheel,

Basically, you need to observe her other developments relative to peers of her age. For example, can she interact with peers well socially? Does her emotions appear normal? Can she understand what you mean both verbally and nonverbally....


Wheel 說...

Thanks you very much... now I have some idea to take care of Ying Ying.

匿名 說...

播多d歌,有人聱唱果d,想佢學中文就播中文,想佢學英文就播英文!廸士尼果類呢!之後再播d多歌嘅影片(獅子王,Big Red Dog etc)音樂最能刺激幼兒嘅腦部,日播夜播都得,佢玩緊玩具食緊飯午睡都可以播,唔好以為佢無聽,佢潛意識入晒腦,無時間陪佢就播歌,有時間陪佢就同佢睇故事書講故仔,多d圖畫公仔果d,唔好理佢有無留心聽,又係會自動入腦,天天做,持之以恒,要快d啦!3歲前係幼兒嘅極速學習期,尢其是語言!我好憎打字,見係你先打咁多!

匿名 說...


匿名 說...


匿名 說...


匿名 說...

My son is 23 months old. He is not much better than your daughter. we are also attending the church every sunday, it is hard not to compare with the others. But you should know eveyone is unique and try not to push her to meet the other's standard. There is one good book to share with you. 如何教幼兒學習識字閱讀(胡雁) 明窗出版. You can get it from public library. Hope it helps. Also, keep talking to her. One day, she will become better than your expected.

匿名 說...

the trigger point is a reward.
a simple reward on any "word" she said, eg candy , applause.

no comparison needed, as environmental factors are different for every kid.

匿名 說...

盈盈幾有性格,我喜歡! 我想小朋友就是如此, 比心機教喔!

匿名 說...

嘗試搵佢的興趣, 潛能, 無人比人.

匿名 說...

Haha, 真係唔駛咁擔心,我個仔今年四歲,二歲仍不懂說爸媽,醫生都建議下次仲係咁就要去睇語言治療師,祖母說他沒有問題,但總是很擔心。但不出一個月,阿仔突然肯開口,還進步神速,不出兩個月,就能說出十五個單字,不需看咩師了。


匿名 說...



無名 說...

Hi Mr Wheel,

It is common to believe that the brain is like a muscle, such that keeping training it will make it stronger or it can unconsciously absorb information such that the more information/musics/stimulations the better the development ......which are not true...

Another myth is that only a certain small proportion of brain is utilized and we have nearly unlimited numbers of neurons reserved for one to exploit .....

Nevertheless, apart from repeated training and forcing, most other well intended suggestions will do no harm and worth a try in moderation.
