


20 則留言:

Raymond Chiu 說...

what happened, man? Take it easy, things will change...

匿名 說...

Add oil... look on the bright side!


bittermelon 說...


Pro 說...

I felt depressed too, sometimes.

Willy 說...


與君共勉! Willy Tam

匿名 說...

Take it easy man! Winter has come, will Spring be far away?

匿名 說...

不如意事, 十常八九, 不要灰心, 有起有落才是人生, 死鬼馮兩努曾經做好工夫等運到

Archiren 說...

I believe you are probably in architect or building surveyor's field...pay more time and you would get the AP title you want...btw, it's just a title...

匿名 說...

I experienced similar situation at 2003. Don't be depressed.
Take it easy.
Good things will come soon.

匿名 說...

Merry X'mas. Add oil.


匿名 說...

I think I am in the same industry of yours. Why depressed? everyone in quasi-government organisation is employed in contract basis.

Even for the other people working in the private sectors, their life-long employment positions can be vanished by an economic drawdown.

Stil depressed?

匿名 說...

I think I am in the same industry of yours. Why depressed? everyone in quasi-government organisation is employed in contract basis.

Even for the other people working in the private sectors, their life-long employment positions can be vanished by an economic drawdown.

Stil depressed?

匿名 說...

Happy New Year!

匿名 說...

Haven't had your news for some days,hope everything is good at your side. May I take this opportunity to wish you and your family (especailly your lovely daughter) have a good Year of Rabbits. Mrs. Cheng

匿名 說...

do not understand you
can't comment.


Practising unqualified Accountant

匿名 說...

Don't understand you.
Can't comment.


Practising unqualified Accountant

匿名 說...

don't depressed.

chance is given to someone has already equipped. Please update us your news.

匿名 說...

How are U.

We're worrying.

Add Oil.

Practising Unqualified Accountant

匿名 說...


How are you?

Practising unqualified Accountant

Wheel 說...
