





3 則留言:

ellen 說...

Hi Wheel,

yesterday the Heng Seng index rallied about 1500 points. Feeling better during these two days? :-)

Last two weeks my husband and I were traveling in China. We did not get time to gauge stock prices and did not know the disaster went so bad. When we came back and checked the price, I almost cried. :D Well, now you see, it's not the end of the world, after all.

BTW, read your blog about installing different distros...OMG, you are even nerdier than I was! :-) Many years ago I started off with SuSE 7. Then used Redhat 9 for a while and after met my husband, was converted to Debian till now. In principle they are similar. You should not have trouble in using any distros after you've got familiar with one distro. So yes, you are right, do not waste time trying around. Just get one installed and use it! :-)

Wish your daughter and wife healthy and happy!

Mrs Fay

ellen 說...



Mrs Fay

Wheel 說...

Hi ellen,
